Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Rickey Medlocke Vocals
Synth Bass 2

Greg T. Walker Vocals

Jakson Spires Vocals

Rickey Medlocke Guitar
Electric Guitar (jazz]

Charlie Hargrett Guitar
Electric Guitar (jazz]

Rickey Medlocke Guitar Solos
Electric Guitar (muted]

Greg T Walker Bass
Acoustic Bass

Jakson Spires Drums

Donna B. Davis Vocals

Pamela T. Vincent Vocals

Cynthia M. Douglas Vocals
Oh oh oh Lord oh lo-o-o-o-rd It\' nine o\' clock in this old sta-ti-on and my sil-ver linin ride is a right on ti-i-me and I buy my-self a one way tick-et for some where else on down the line And I see that on their fa-ces of a peo-ple that will nev-er come ho-o-m-e and when I stare in-to the mir-ror ma-ma See my-self all a-lone 0-o-o-oh and did you ever stop to wo-n-d-er about the times that she laid by your side when you know that I was right And you fin-ally re-a-li-ze-e you took a left tu-rn on a red light O-o-o-oh Sun shines down on the de-se-rt and it seems to make my life a haze and I dream of my child-hood sweet-he-art and the free-dom that I had in those days when I wake from all my dr-ea-m-in\' will this box-car al-ways be my lon-ely home, yeah well I don\'t know where I am and I real-ly don\'t give a damn this cra-zy life of mine will soon be gone O-o-o-oh and did you ev-er stop to wo-n-d-er about the times that she laid by your side when you know that I was right And you fin-ally re-a-li-ze-e you took a left tu-rn on a red light wooh wo-o-oo-oo-oo-oh ah oo Well it\'s nine o\'-clock at this old st-at-ion once a-gain my ride is right on ti-me and as I buy my-self a-noth-er tic-ket Lo-rd for some-where else on down the line well I\'ll al-ways be a ra-mb-le-r well the ones I love always keep tellin\' me you stare too long in the mi-rr-or s-o-n some-day you\'ll be too blind to se-ee O-o-o-oh and now I can stop my wo-nd-er-in\' about the times that she laid by my side now I know that I was right and I fin-ally re-a-li-z-e I took a left tu-u-u-u-u-rn on a red li-gh-t Who-o-o-o-o-o-h